
发布日期: 2019-08-12 来源:kyky 456
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ChinaCenter for Human Capital and Labor Market Research InternationalSymposium

The11th International Symposium on Human Capital and Labor MarketsCelebrating Release of the China Human Capital Report 2019 will take place atBeijing from December 13 to 14, 2019. The conference is organized by the ChinaCenter for Human Capital and Labor Market Research (CHLR) at the CentralUniversity of Finance and Economics. It will mark the release of the 11th annual China Human Capital Report-2019. The conference will featuredistinguished keynote speeches, plenary and parallel sessions on criticaltopics related to human capital and labor markets on December 14, preceded by areception for all attendees on December 13, 2019.


Chair and Co-Chairs

o   HaizhengLi (Chair), Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology and CHLR

o   Belton Fleisher(Co-Chair), Professor Emeritus, Ohio State University and CHLR

o   ZhiqiangLiu, (Co-Chair), Professor,SUNY at Buffalo and CHLR

Committee Experts:

o   BarbaraFraumeni, Professor Emerita, University of Southern Maine and CHLR

o   CarstenHolz, Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and CHLR

o   Cynthia A.Bansak, Professor, St. Lawrence University

o   FanzhengYang, Assistant Professor (Ph.D., Iowa State University, CHLR

o   NinaYin,Assistant Professor (Ph.D.,Toulouse School of Economics), CHLR

o   NingJia, Assistant Professor (Ph.D., University of Notre Dame), CHLR

o   ShanLi,Assistant Professor, (Ph.D., George Washington University), CHLR

o   SophieWang, Assistant Professor (Ph.D., Simon Fraser University), CHLR

Paper Submissions

The conferenceinvites submission of individual papers. Topics dealing with broad areas ofhuman capital and labor markets are all welcome.

Submit abstract (400-500 words in English) nolater than October 20, 2019 online at: http://editorialexpress.com/conference/2019CHLR/

・        Notificationof decision will be announced in mid-November.

・        Each session consists of 4 papers anddiscussants.

・        All papers accepted for presentation must besubmitted to the conference by November 30 so that discussants will have enough timeto prepare comments.

China Economic Review Special Issue

・        All submissions accepted for presentation will beeligible for submission to a Special Issue of China EconomicReview.

Accommodation andTravel Subsidy

・        Presenters (one presenter per paper) will beprovided with hotel accommodation of two-nights and meals during the conference(December 13-14).

・        Junior faculty (within 5 years of receiving Ph.D.and certified by their institution) and Ph.D. candidates (i.e., have passedcomprehensive examinations and certified by their office of graduate studies)may apply for international travel subsidy for one half of the airfare up toUS$600, subject to budgetary limitations.

・        The application for travel subsidy must besubmitted via the CHLR website, http://humancapital.cufe.edu.cn/, no later than October25.

・        The decision on the travel subsidy will beannounced in mid-November.

Contact Information

・        Please check the CHLR website for updatedinformation: http://humancapital.cufe.edu.cn/or email chlr_conference@163.com for questions.

欢 迎 参 加











・        会议报到、欢迎茶会及晚餐:1213

・        中国人力资本指数报告发布会、专家点评及相关演讲、学术平行会议:1214




中国人力资本报告是基于国家自然科学基金委员会及中央财经大学的专项资助的“中国人力资本的测量及人力资本指标体系的构建“研究项目产生的系列报告。该项目旨在建立中国第一套科学、系统的人力资本指数,定量描述中国人力资本的分布及发展动态;为更深入地研究人力资本在中国经济发展中的作用提供综合的度量指标;在实践上为政府的相关重大经济社会决策提供定量依据;同时也为中国的人力资本度量方法和指标成为国际人力资本指标体系的一部分、为人力资本作为国民账户的一部分纳入到国民财富的衡量体系提供前期工作。该项目由中心特聘教授李海峥主持,由人力资本收入计算法(Jorgenson-Fraumeni方法)创始人之一的Barbara Fraumeni教授,中心全职教授和特聘教授,以及中心全体博士、硕士研究生及行政人员共同参与。



中文网站: http://humancapital.cufe.edu.cn/rlzbzsxm.htm

英文网站: http://humancapital.cufe.edu.cn/en/Human_Capital_Index_Project.htm


中国人力资本与劳动经济研究中心(CHLR)成立于20083月,隶属于中央财经大学“经济学与公共政策优势学科创新平台”,是一个国际性的,以研究中国人力资本、劳动力市场及其与经济发展关系的院级研究中心。中心顾问由该领域的国际著名教授担任,其中包括两位诺贝尔经济学奖得主――Kenneth J. Arrow教授(已故)和James Heckman教授,以及人力资本计算方法――终身收入法创始人之一,哈佛大学Dale W. Jorgenson教授。
