祝贺我院张宏亮老师的合作论文在发展经济学顶级期刊Journal of Development Economics发表
近日,浙江大学经济学院百人计划研究员张宏亮(第一作者)与美国明尼苏达大学汉弗莱公共事务学院教授Ragui Assaad的合作论文“Womens access to school, educational attainment, and fertility: Evidence from Jordan”被发展经济学顶级期刊Journal of Development Economics在线发表。
论文摘要:In socially conservative Muslim societies, the absence of a sex-appropriate school in one’s community has historically been a major constraint to girls’ schooling. We use the expansion of access to girls’ or mixed schools in Jordan to investigate the effects of access to school on women’s education and fertility. We find that having access to a sex-appropriate school in a woman’s sub-district of birth led to 3.0–3.4 additional years of schooling and 1.0–1.4 fewer births. Using access to girl-appropriate schools as an instrument for female educational attainment, we find that an additional year of schooling reduces total fertility by 0.3–0.4 births. The impact of schooling on fertility is mostly for births occurring at older ages (30+) and higher parities (6+). We also find evidence of effects on intergenerational transmission of education but we find no evidence that school access has translated into higher participation in the labor market.
他主要从事经济学微观实证研究,特别是因果推断方法在劳动经济学、公共经济学、发展经济学、城市经济学等领域的应用。其研究成果发表于权威经济学综合期刊Journal of European Economic Association,International Economic Review以及Journal of Public Economics,Journal of Development Economics(2篇),Journal of Urban Economics,Economics of Education Review等顶尖领域期刊。