数字经济前沿文献讨论会第4期:Shrinking the cross-section

发布日期: 2020-07-27 来源: 417



题目:Shrinking the cross-section


作者:Serhiy Koza, Stefan Nagel, Shrihari Santosh

摘要:We construct a robust stochastic discount factor(SDF) summarizing the joint explana-tory power of a large number of cross-sectional stock return predictors. Our method achieves robust out-of-sample performance in this high-dimensional setting by imposing an economically motivated prior on SDF coefficients that shrinks contributions of low-variance principal components of the candidate characteristics-based factors. We find that characteristics-sparse SDFs formed from a few such factors--e.g., the four- or five-factor models in the recent literature--cannot adequately summarize the cross-section of ex-pected stock returns. However, an SDF formed from a small number of principal compo- nents performs well.

主讲人:朱雅蓓 博士研究生