
发布日期: 2016-11-29 来源: 3240








欢迎晚宴:12819:00~20:30  紫金港国际饭店(18:50启真酒店大堂集合后步行前往)



开幕式  9:00~9:30 (主持人:浙江大学经济学院副院长  顾国达 教授)

1、中方代表致辞:浙江大学经济学院院长  黄先海 教授

2、日方代表致辞:神户大学经济学研究科  荻原泰治 教授



第一阶段  9:30~10:30 (主持人:浙江大学国际经济学系副系主任  陆菁 教授)

报告1Does Demographic Change Influence International Trade?: An Empirical Study on APEC Economies

   9:30~9:55   报告人:衣笠智子(神户大学)

9:55~10:00  点评人:张  云(南开大学)

报告2International Value, International Production Price and Unequal Exchange

   10:00~10:25  报告人:冯志轩(南开大学)

10:25~10:30  点评人:荻原泰治(神户大学)


茶歇  10:30~10:50


第二阶段  10:50~11:50 (主持人:神户大学经济学研究科  衣笠智子 教授)

报告3Tariff Scares: Trade policy uncertainty and foreign market entry by Chinese firms

   10:50~11:15  报告人:宋华盛(浙江大学)

11:15~11:20  点评人:孙浦阳(南开大学)

报告4Profit-sharing Licensing

   11:20~11:45  报告人:牛  帅(山东大学)

11:45~11:50  点评人:梶谷 懐(神户大学)


午餐  12:00-14:00  紫金港校区食堂三楼


第三阶段  14:00~15:00 (主持人:南开大学经济学院经济学系主任  段文斌 教授)

报告5Labor Value and Exploitation in Global Economy

   14:00~14:25  报告人:萩原泰治(神户大学)

14:25~14:30  点评人:冯志轩(南开大学)

报告6University as the Anchor: Firm-Level Evidence of Innovation Spillover

   14:30~14:55  报告人:罗德明(浙江大学)

14:55~15:00  点评人:余林徽(浙江大学)


茶歇  15:00~15:20


第四阶段  15:20~16:50 (主持人:山东大学日本经济研究中心主任  张乃丽 教授)


   15:20~15:45  报告人:段文斌(南开大学)

15:45~15:50  点评人:罗德明(浙江大学)

报告8Most Electoral Contests Have Pure Strategy Equilibria

   15:50~16:15  报告人:沈建飞(山东大学)

16:15~16:20  点评人:李长英(山东大学)

报告9Financial Constraints, Productivity and Export Transition: An Empirical Study of Chinese Exporters

   16:20~16:45  报告人:叶建亮(浙江大学)

16:45~16:50  点评人:李宝伟(南开大学)


闭幕式  17:00~17:20 (主持人:浙江大学经济学院副院长  顾国达 教授)

1、日方代表致辞:神户大学经济学研究科科长  中村 教授

2、中方代表致辞:山东大学经济学院院长  李长英 教授


招待晚宴  17:30~19:30    圆正启真酒店餐厅




赴浙江义乌参观考察, 上午8:00从圆正启真酒店出发,下午结束后返回酒店。






 2016 International Symposium by Four Universities of Japan and China: Economic Growth and Industrial Restructuring of East Asia


Organized by: School of Economics, Zhejiang University (http://www.cec.zju.edu.cn)

Conference hotelYuanzheng Qizhen Hotel (inside the Zijingang Campus of ZJU)

Hotel information: http://en.yz-hotels.cn/hotel.asp?vid=8

Conference time9001720, Dec 9(Fri), 2016 

Conference venue: Li Zhou conference room (梨洲厅)

Welcome dinner: 19:00~20:30, Dec 8(Thu),2016; Hangzhou Zijingang International Hotel (gather at 18:50 in conference hotel lobby and walk there)


Conference Program

9:00~9:30  Opening Remarks   Chair: GU Guoda, Zhejiang University

Welcome Speech: Professor HUANG Xianhai, Zhejiang University

Guest Speech: Professor HAGIWARA Taiji(萩原泰治), Kobe University

Introduction of the conference participants and guests


Morning Sessions (presentation 25 mins, discussion 5 mins)

9:30~10:30  Session I  Chair: LU Jing, Zhejiang University

Presenter: KINUGASA Tomoko (衣笠智子), Kobe University

Title: Does Demographic Change Influence International Trade?: An Empirical Study on APEC Economies

Discussant: ZHANG Yun, Nankai University


Presenter: FENG Zhixuan, Nankai University

Title: International Value, International Production Price and Unequal Exchange

Discussant: HAGIWARA Taiji(萩原泰治), Kobe University


10:30~10:50  Tea Break


10:50~11:50  Session II  Chair: KINUGASA Tomoko (衣笠智子), Kobe University

Presenter: SONG Huasheng, Zhejiang University

Title: Tariff Scares: Trade policy uncertainty and foreign market entry by Chinese firms

Discussant: SUN Puyang, Nankai University


Presenter: NIU Shuai, Shandong University

Title: Profit-sharing Licensing

Discussant: KAJITANI Kai(梶谷 ), Kobe University


12:00~14:00  Lunch  at Zijingang campus canteen (3/F)



Afternoon Sessions (presentation 25 mins, discussion 5 mins)

14:00~15:00  Session III.  Chair: DUAN Wenbin, Nankai University

Presenter: HAGIWARA Taiji(萩原泰治), Kobe University

Title: Labor Value and Exploitation in Global Economy

Discussant: FENG Zhixuan, Nankai University


Presenter: LUO Deming, Zhejiang University

Title: University as the Anchor: Firm-Level Evidence of Innovation Spillover

Discussant: YU Linhui, Zhejiang University


15:00~15:20  Tea Break 


15:20~16:50  Session IV  Chair: ZHANG Naili, Shandong University

Presenter: DUAN Wenbin, Nankai University

Title: 从高增长到新常态:中国的结构性改革(in Chinese)

Discussant: LUO Deming, Zhejiang University


Presenter: SHEN Jianfei, Shandong University

Title: Most Electoral Contests Have Pure Strategy Equilibria

Discussant: LI Changying, Shangdong University


Presenter: YE Jianliang, Zhejiang University

Title: Financial Constraints, Productivity and Export Transition: An Empirical Study of Chinese Exporters

Discussant: LI Baowei, Nankai Universtiy


17:00~17:20  Ending Remarks 

Professor GU Guoda, Zhejiang University

Professor NAKAMURA Tamotsu(中村 ), Kobe University

Professor LI Changying, Shandong University


17:30~19:30 Dinner  at Yuanzheng Qizhen Hotel